Friday, March 26, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Short Update

Spring is creeping up on us and all three of us seem to be passing around a cold. Below is a short video. Another attempt to catch Nick walking on tape. He is walking more and more. We are now waiting for him to be able to stand up on his own without pulling up on something.


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Nick's First Steps

Ok, so they are not really his FIRST steps. But they are the first steps I have been able to catch on tape. I swear that that kid knows when I do and do not have a camera ready.

Nick has been taking a little step here and there when he moved between pieces of furntiure, but it was yesterday when I picked him up at daycare that I saw him really start to walk. He was standing at a swing across the room and when he saw me he started walking towards me. He made it a good 10 feet or so. So fun to see.

Below is a video that starts out with me being lucky enough to catch a few steps and then is just Nick playing and bothering the dog. Enjoy!