Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Welcome Nicholas Thomas!

After months of waiting patiently baby Nick finally arrived on time after a long day of labor. Mom woke up Saturday night around 11:30pm with pretty strong and frequent contractions (2-3 minutes apart). So off to the hospital we went. We were checked in and Simone was checked out by 1:30am. At that time she was at 6 centimeters and we thought we were off to the races. Simone asked and received an epidural and we waited. A little later they checked and she had progressed to 7 centimeters. Then things started to slow down so they added pitocin to keep things moving.

Simone's BP was a little high and with a few other indications the doctors wanted to be safe so they put her on Magnesium Sulfate to address the risk of pre-eclampsia. The result was a groggy Simone. Meanwhile her progress was still not picking up. So we waiting and napped throughout the early morning. Around 10am things started moving again and by 2pm she was fully dialated and the fun began.

Simone was a trooper. She worked for three long hours, but Nicholas was just not cooperating. By five we had decided it would be better for all involved to have the Cesarean section and at 5:39pm Sunday, March 1, 2009 Nicholas Thomas Helbling joined us. He weighed in at a healthy 8 pounds, 1 ounce and measured 21". We were so excited to see him. He was just beautiful with quite the head of hair.

Our gratitude goes out everyone at OHSU who looked after us. We will be here for a few more days as Simone recovers and will be looking forward to getting home and settled.

Dad introducing Mom to Nicholas in the OR. Quite an emotional experience.

And introducing Nicholas Thomas... weighing in at 8 lbs, 1 oz.

Baby Nick getting cleaned up. Testing out the lungs.

Cute little hand and cute little ear.

He has been very alert when he is awake - taking in his surroundings.

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